Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show version
Table 2-100 describes the fields in the show version command output.
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Table 2-100 show version Command Output Fields
Field Description
NmpSW Version number of the NMP software.
NMP S/W compiled on Date and time that the NMP software was compiled.
System Bootstrap
System bootstrap version number.
Web Interface Version Web interface version number.
Hardware Version Hardware version number.
Model Switch model number.
Serial # Switch serial number.
Module Module number.
Port Number of ports on the module.
Model Model number of the module.
Serial # Serial number of the module.
Versions Hardware, software, and firmware versions of the module.
Hw Hardware version of the module.
Fw Version of the boot code (for switching modules) or bootstrap (for
the supervisor engine).
Fw1 Version of the firmware boot code (on the supervisor engine).
Sw Version of the firmware runtime installed (on the switching
module) or the software version (on the supervisor engine).
Sw1 Version of the firmware runtime (on the supervisor engine).
DRAM Total Total dynamic RAM installed on the module.
Used Amount of DRAM in use.
Free Amount of available DRAM.
FLASH Total Total Flash memory installed on the module.
Used Amount of Flash memory in use.
Free Amount of available Flash memory.
NVRAM Total Total NVRAM installed on the module.
Used Amount of NVRAM in use.
Free Amount of available NVRAM.
Uptime is Number of uninterrupted days, hours, minutes, and seconds the
system has been up and running.