Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show channel group
show channel group
To display EtherChannel group status information, use the show channel group command.
show channel group [admin_group] [info | statistics]
show channel group [admin_group] [info [type]]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines If you do not specify the admin_group value, EtherChannel information is shown for all administrative
If you enter the optional info type, the specified feature-related parameters are displayed in the output.
Examples This example shows how to display Ethernet channeling information for all administrative groups:
Console> show channel group
Admin Group Ports
----------- -----------------------------------------------
7 1/1-2
This example shows how to display Ethernet channeling information for a specific group:
Console> show channel group 154
Admin Port Status Channel Channel
group Mode id
----- ----- ---------- --------- --------
154 1/1 notconnect on 769
154 1/2 connected on 769
admin_group (Optional) Number of the administrative group; valid values are from
1 to 1024.
info (Optional) Displays group information.
statistics (Optional) Displays statistics about the group.
type (Optional) Displays feature-related parameters; valid values are
spantree, trunk, protcol, gmrp, gvrp, qos, rsvp, cops, dot1qtunnel,
auxiliaryvlan, and jumbo.