Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set mls agingtime
set mls agingtime
To specify the MLS aging time of shortcuts to an MLS entry in the Catalyst 6500 series switches, use
the set mls agingtime command.
set mls agingtime [ip | ipx] {agingtime}
set mls agingtime fast {fastagingtime} {pkt_threshold}
set mls agingtime long-duration {longagingtime}
Syntax Description
Defaults The default agingtime is 16 seconds. The default fastagingtime is 0, no fast aging. The default
pkt_threshold is 0. The default longagingtime is 320.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines If you use the ip keyword, you are specifying a shortcut for IP MLS. If you use the ipx keyword, you
are specifying a shortcut for IPX MLS.
If you enter 0 for the fastagingtime value, fast aging is disabled.
If you do not specify fastagingtime or pkt_threshold, the default value is used.
ip (Optional) Specifies IP MLS.
ipx (Optional) Specifies IPX MLS.
agingtime MLS aging time of shortcuts to an MLS entry; valid values are from 0 to
1920 seconds.
fast Specifies the MLS aging time of shortcuts to an MLS entry that has no more
than pkt_threshold packets switched within fastagingtime seconds after it is
fastagingtime MLS aging time of shortcuts to an MLS entry; valid values are multiples of
8 to any value in the range from 0 to 128 seconds.
pkt_threshold Packet threshold value; valid values are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, and
127 packets.
long-duration Sets the aging time for active flows.
longagingtime MLS aging time of shortcuts to an MLS entry; valid values are 64 to 1920
seconds in increments of 8.