Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set qos acl default-action
set qos acl default-action
To set the ACL default actions, use the set qos acl default-action command.
set qos acl default-action ip {{dscp dscp} | trust-cos | trust-ipprec | trust-dscp}
[{microflow microflow_name}] [{aggregate aggregate_name}] [input]
set qos acl default-action ipx {{dscp dscp} | trust-cos} [{microflow microflow_name}]
[{aggregate aggregate_name}]
set qos acl default-action {ipx | mac} {{dscp dscp} | trust-cos}
[{aggregate aggregate_name}] [input]
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is no ACL is set up. When you enable QoS, the default-action is to classify everything to
best effort and to do no policing. When you disable QoS, the default-action is trust-dscp on all packets
and no policing.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines Configurations you make by entering this command are saved to NVRAM and the switch and do not
require that you enter the commit command.
Only PFC3 supports the input keyword.
Examples This example shows how to set up the IP ACL default actions:
Console> (enable) set qos acl default-action ip dscp 5 microflow micro aggregate agg
QoS default-action for IP ACL is set successfully.
ip Specifies the IP ACL default actions.
dscp dscp Sets the DSCP to be associated with packets matching this stream.
trust-cos Specifies DSCP is derived from the packet CoS.
trust-ipprec Specifies DSCP is derived from the packet IP precedence.
trust-dscp Specifies DSCP is contained in the packet already.
(Optional) Specifies the name of the microflow policing rule to be
applied to packets matching the ACE.
(Optional) Specifies the name of the aggregate policing rule to be
applied to packets matching the ACE.
input (Optional) Specifies the receive side.
ipx Specifies the IPX ACL default actions.
mac Specifies the MAC ACL default actions.