Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set udld aggressive-mode
set udld aggressive-mode
To enable or disable the UDLD aggressive mode on specified ports, use the set udld aggressive-mode
set udld aggressive-mode enable | disable mod/port
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is aggressive mode is disabled.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines You can use the aggressive mode in cases in which a port that sits on a bidirectional link stops receiving
packets from its neighbor. When this happens, if aggressive mode is enabled on the port, UDLD will try
to reestablish the connection with the neighbor. If connection is not reestablished after eight failed
retries, the port is error disabled.
We recommend that you use this command on point-to-point links between Cisco switches only.
This command is not supported by the NAM.
Examples This example shows how to enable aggressive mode:
Console> (enable) set udld aggressive-mode enable 2/1
Aggressive UDLD enabled on port 5/13.
Warning:Aggressive Mode for UniDirectional Link Detection
should be enabled only on ports not connected to hubs,
media converters or similar devices.
Console> (enable)
Related Commands set udld
show udld
enable Enables UDLD aggressive mode.
disable Disables UDLD aggressive mode.
mod/port Number of the module and port on the module.