Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show fabric channel
show fabric channel
To display Switch Fabric Module information, use the show fabric channel command.
show fabric channel counters {mod | all} [hex]
show fabric channel utilization
show fabric channel switchmode [mod]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines These commands are supported on systems configured with a Switch Fabric Module and the Supervisor
Engine 2 with Layer 3 Switching Engine II (PFC2) only.
In the show fabric channel switchmode command output, the Fab Chan field displays the module
channel number and the correspondent fabric channel number in pairs. The first number is the fabric
channel number associated with the module (valid value is 0) and the second number is the fabric
channel number to the Catalyst 6500 series Switch Fabric Module. (Valid values are 0 to 17.)
For the Switch Fabric Module, the Switch Mode and Channel Status fields will show “n/a.”
In the show fabric channel switchmode command output, the Switch Mode field displays one of the
following modes:
• Flow-through mode—In this mode, data passes between the local bus and the supervisor engine bus.
• Truncated mode—In this mode, the truncated data is sent over the switch fabric channel if both the
destination and the source modules are fabric-enabled modules. If either the source or destination
module is not a fabric-enable module, the data goes through the switch fabric channel and the data
bus. The Switch Fabric Module does not get involved when traffic is forwarded between
nonfabric-enabled modules.
• Compact mode—In this mode, a compact version of the DBus header is forwarded over the switch
fabric channel, delivering the best possible switching rate. Nonfabric-enabled modules do not
support the compact mode and will generate CRC errors if they receive frames in compact mode.
counters Displays fabric channel counter information.
mod Number of the fabric-enabled module.
all Displays counters for all fabric-enabled modules.
hex (Optional) Displays counters in hexadecimal format.
utilization Displays fabric channel utilization information.
switchmode Displays switch mode and fabric channel status.