Chapter 6. System Control Terminal Menus
61200305L1-1 ATLAS 550 User Manual 6-15
Write security: 0; Read security: 5
Provides a way to edit passwords and, also, to add new users and pass-
words. All menu items are protected by passwords of varying security lev-
els. By assigning different passwords to different security levels, the
ATLAS 550 system administrator can control which users can change vari-
ous menu items.
You can assign multiple passwords at the same access level. This way, dif-
ferent users with the same access privileges can have different passwords.
Table 6-1 on page 6-2 describes each of the six password security levels.
Instructions for Adding/Deleting Passwords
Figure 6-4 shows the menu for adding and deleting passwords. The instruc-
tions follow.
Figure 6-4. Menu for Adding/Deleting Passwords
Adding New Passwords
1. To add a new password, position the cursor over the index number 0
and press I.
2. Enter and confirm the new password.
3. Assign access rights (see also Table 6-1 on page 6-2).
Deleting Passwords
To delete a password, position the cursor over the index number of the pass-
word to be deleted and press D.
Passwords are case-sensitive.
Index Numbers