Chapter 5. Navigating the Terminal Menus
61200305L1-1 ATLAS 550 User Manual 5-5
Moving through the Menus
Session Management Keystrokes
To do this... Press this key...
Return to the home screen. H
Jump between two menu items.
while the cursor is located on a menu item, and you jump back to
the main screen.
Go to another menu item, press
, and you jump back to the screen that was
displayed the first time you pressed
anytime you want to jump between these items.
Select items. Arrows
Edit a selected menu item. Enter
Cancel an edit. Escape
Close pop-up help screens. Escape
Move between the left and right panes. Tab
Move to the top of a screen. A
Move to the bottom of a screen. Z
Ascend one menu level. Backspace
To do this... Press this...
Log out of a session. Ctrl-L
Invalidate the password entry and return to the login screen. Ctrl-S
Refresh the screen.
To save time, only the portion of the screen that has changed is
refreshed. This option should only be necessary if the display picks up
incorrect characters.