
Chapter 13. SNMP Management
13-6 ATLAS 550 User Manual 61200305L1-1
Clearing DS1 Alert Traps
The ATLAS 550 clears the event bitsafter sending the alert trap or aresponse
to a Get request for the adDS1CurrentAlert variable. The ATLAS 550 clears
the current alert values at the beginning of a new 15-minute interval.Total
alert values are cleared at the beginning of a new 24-hour interval.
Far End Alert Traps
Current alert and total alert traps are near end events; however, the ATLAS
550 also supports current alert and total alert traps for the far end.Farend
alert traps are generated upon event bit changes in adDS1FarCurrentAlert
(for current alerts) and in adDS1FarTotalAlert (for total alerts).
Clearing Far End Alert Traps
Current and total far end alert traps can be disabled by setting the corre-
sponding enable bit equal to zero in the adDS1FarCurrentArm and the
adDS1FarTotalArm variables, respectively.
Far end alert traps can also be disabled by setting adDS1AlertEnable = Off.
Table 13-4. Total Alert Traps
Total Alert Severity Description
adATLAS550TotalES Warning The total interval errored second threshold has been exceeded.
adATLAS550TotalSES Warning The total interval severely errored second threshold has been
adATLAS550TotalSEFS Warning The total interval severely errored framing second threshold
has been exceeded.
adATLAS550TotalUAS Major The total interval unavailable second threshold has been
adATLAS550TotalCSS Warning The total interval controlled slip second threshold has been
adATLAS550TotalPCV Warning The total interval path code violations have been exceeded.
adATLAS550TotalLES Warning The total interval line errored second threshold has been
adATLAS550TotalLCV Warning The total interval line code violation threshold has been