
Chapter 13. SNMP Management
13-4 ATLAS 550 User Manual 61200305L1-1
DS1 Traps
The ATLAS 550 supports RFC1406, the DS1 standard MIB, as well as the
ADTRAN DS1 MIB, an extension to RFC1406. The ADTRAN DS1 group al-
lows you to send traps for DS1 alarm failures (DS1 alarm traps) and perfor-
mance threshold crossing alerts (DS1 alert traps).
DS1 Alarm Traps
The ADTRAN DS1 extension MIB contains a DS1 Alarm Table which holds
entries that enable status bits to send an alarm trap. Each Alarm Table row
entry corresponds to a DS1 interface managed by the device. DS1 line status
is reported in the bit-encoded dsx1LineStatus object variable. Each trap rep-
resents a bit value equal to 1 change in the dsx1LineStatus. Table 13-2 de-
scribes the DS1 alarm traps supported by the ATLAS 550.
When enabled, the ATLAS 550 sends alarm traps to the each member of the
trapdestinationlistupon detectingstatusbitchangesin dsx1LineStatus.Each
status change sets an event bit = 1 in the adDS1LineEvent variable in the DS1
alarm table. If you have previously set the corresponding enable bit in the
adDS1LineArm variable equal to one and if adDS1AlarmEnable = On,thenthe
ATLAS 550 sends an alarm trap message. A single alarm trap message may
report multiple event changes.
Clearing DS1 Alarm Traps
The ATLAS 550 clears the event bits after sending the trap message or send-
ing the response to a Get request for the adDS1LineEvent variable.
DS1 Alert Traps
The ADTRAN DS1 extension MIB contains the DS1 Alert Table which holds
entries that enable event bits to send an alert trap. Each Alert Table row en-
try corresponds to a DS1 interface managed by the device. Asingle alert trap
may report multiple event changes.
RFC1406 also defines a series of Current and Total Alert threshold values.
You can enable the ATLAS 550 to send an Alert Trap to each member of the
trap destination list when accumulated error statistics exceed these
Table 13-2. DS1 SNMP Alarm Traps
Alarm Severity Description
adATLAS550NoAlarm Warning No alarms are present.
adATLAS550RxYellow Minor The Far End is experiencing Red Alarm (a.k.a. Yellow Alarm).
adATLAS550TxYellow Warning
The Near End is sending Loss Frame Indication (a.k.a. Yellow Alarm).
adATLAS550RxAIS Minor
The Far End is sending Alarm Indication Signal (a.k.a. Blue Alarm).
adATLAS550TxAIS Warning
The Near End is sending Alarm Indication Signal (a.k.a. Blue Alarm).
adATLAS550RedAlarm Major The Near End is experiencing Loss of Frame (a.k.a. Red Alarm).
adATLAS550LOS Major The Near End is experiencing Loss of Signal.