Strata DK Programming 5/99 GL-1
Term Definition
AA Auto Attendant (built-in or external). This feature acts as an automatic operator that
directs incoming callers to stations by offering a menu of dialing prompts.
ACD Automatic Call Distribution. Allows incoming calls to be distributed to a group of
ACD agents. The ACD supervisor’s LCD telephone displays ACD Agent and
Group information which allows the supervisor to monitor calls and assist agents.
ACD/MIS Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) with Management Information System (MIS).
ADM Add-on Module—See DADM.
A 25-pair connector typically used on a multi-button telephone set for interfacing
cables to many electronic key and PBX systems.
ANI Automatic Number Identification—Telephone number of the calling party is sent to
the Strata DK system over incoming DID or tie lines. This feature is provided by
some long distance telephone service companies.
B-channel Used in ISDN. Data or voice information is transmitted on the B-channels of an
ISDN line at 64kpbs. The B-channel refers to the frequency range of transmissions
on a copper pair; it is a logical, rather than a physical channel. Also see BRI and
B8ZS Bipolar 8 Zero Substitution.
BGM Background Music—Allows customer-supplied music to be sent to telephone
speakers and external speakers.
bps Bits Per Second—Unit of measure that refers to the transmission speed (baud rate)
of electronic signals. It is used when describing data interface unit and modem
BRI Basic Rate Interface—ISDN line with 2B + 1D channel. BRI lines can have a
U-interface with RJ-11 jacks and single twisted pair wiring, or RJ-45 four pair S/T
interface wiring.
CAMA Centralized Automatic Message Accounting. A special trunk provided by the phone
company or the E911 Public Safety Answering Point Agency.
CESID Caller’s Emergency Service Identification—Telephone number for specific station
or station location which is sent to the CAMA trunk.