System & Station
Program 29-1~8 – DSS Console and Number Button Assignments
Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-69
System & Station
Program 29-1~8 Overview
Each button on the DSS consoles can be flexibly assigned as either a Direct Station Selection
'66), Line (&2), or 6' button. The standard equipped 1LJKW7UDQVIHU (17), and $OO&DOO
($&) buttons may be changed to one of these three types, but not vice versa.
Station Speed Dial buttons assigned to a DSS console share the associated attendant digital or
electronic telephone’s Speed Dial memory. The personal Speed Dial numbers of the DSS console
circuit port(s) are not available. Initialized data assigns the 60 buttons to be Direct Station
Selection (
'66), $OO&DOO3DJH ($&), and 1LJKW7UDQVIHU (17). Each of the consoles can be
independently programmed.
Important! Only program the following buttons: 6', /LQH (&2), '66, $OO&DOO3DJH ($&),
1LJKW7UDQVIHU(17); programming other feature buttons on a console may
cause system operation problems.
It is not possible to assign [PDNs]/[SDNs]/[PhDNs] to DSS consoles or ADMs
Note When assigning CO line access buttons (001~200), the associated telephone must be
assigned access to the CO line also. See Program 40.