System & Station
Program 70 – Verified Account Code Toll Restriction Assignments
3-146 Strata DK Programming 5/99
Program 70 Overview
A Toll Restriction Class can be assigned with this program to each of the 300 Verified Account
Codes assigned in Program 69. This class of restriction overrides the normal station class of
restriction assigned in Program 48 when a VAC is entered at the station. The station resumes its
Program 48 restriction after the call is disconnected.
When a Forced or Voluntary Verified Account Code is dialed at a station after accessing a CO line
and before dialing a telephone number, the station temporarily assumes the Toll Restriction Class
assigned to the Verified Account Code. When Program 70 is initialized, all Verified Account
Codes are assigned as not Toll Restricted (data = 00). Verified Account Code Toll Restriction class
assignments are not user programmable; so if the assignments are not known, it is recommended to
assign a number (block) of Verified Account Codes to each type of Toll Restriction class. For
VACs 000~050 = no restriction
VACs 051~100 = total restriction
VACs 101~150 = Class 1, etc.
♦ When stations enter VACs they will be unrestricted.
♦ Range programming is not available.
♦ If dial “0” credit card dialing is allowed, use Program 43 to allow designated stations/CO lines
credit card calling.