Automatic Call Distribution
Program 11 – ACD Timing Assignments
6-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99
Code 5: Music Timers 1, 2, and 3
Defines the time interval that ACD callers in queue are sent music following the first, second, or
third announcement. Range of each music timer is 000~999 seconds (about 5 seconds to 16 1⁄2
The connection time tolerance when switching between music and announcements is 5 seconds;
example, if a music timer is set for 00 seconds, the caller may still hear up to 5 seconds of music if
a music source is installed.
♦ Timer 11-51 defines the music interval following the first announcement.
♦ Timer 11-52 defines the music interval between the second and third announcement on three-
announcement queue patterns. Timer 11-52 is not used on one or two announcement queue
♦ Timer 11-53 defines the music interval following the second announcement on two-
announcement queue patterns; or, the music interval following the third announcement on
three-announcement queue patterns. Each music timer can be individually set from 000
seconds to 16 minutes, 39 seconds (see Flowcharts 6-8~6-10 on Pages 6-48~6-51).
Code 6: Call Waiting Alarm Timer 1
Defines the first alarm threshold time for the ACD calls waiting in queue (ranges from 000~255
seconds). If a defined number of ACD calls (per Program 14-72) are in queue longer than the time
defined in Program 11-6, the ACD Supervisor telephone is sent a beeping alarm indication (2400
Hz/10 Hz, 0.75 second OFF, 0.75 second ON). Program 14-8 DATA must be set to “2” for the Call
Waiting Alarm Timer 1 to operate.
Code 7: Call Waiting Alarm Timer 2
Defines the second alarm threshold time for ACD calls waiting in queue (ranges from 000~600
seconds). If a defined number of ACD calls (per Program 14-73) are in queue longer than the time
defined in Program 11-7, the ACD Supervisor telephone is sent a beeping alarm indication (2400
Hz/10 Hz, one continuous sound). Program 14-8 DATA must be set to “2” for the Call Waiting
Alarm Timer 2 to operate.
Code 8: Alarm Guard Timer
Defines the minimum time interval between queue alarm signals sent to the Supervisor telephone.
The timer can be set from 01~30 minutes. If the timer is set to 00, the
button does not function to end a queue alarm indication on the Supervisor telephone.
Example: If the queue alarm sounds at the Supervisor telephone and the Supervisor resets the
alarm by pressing the flashing
5HVHW4XHXH$ODUP button, the Alarm Guard Timer begins to
count down from the time set in this program. If the number of calls in the ACD queue still
exceeds the queue size (set in Program 14-71, 72, or 73) after the Alarm Guard Timer expires, the
alarm sounds again on the Supervisor telephone.