Output Indicators
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to the FORCEPR# pin or through system management logic. Assertion of this signal will
lower processor power consumption and reduce current draw through the voltage
regulator, resulting in lower component temperatures. Sustained assertion of the
FORCEPR# pin will cause noticeable platform performance degradation and should not
occur when drawing less than the specified thermal design current for a properly
designed system.
It is recommended that hysteresis be designed into the thermal sense circuit to prevent
a scenario in which the VR_hot# signal is rapidly being asserted and de-asserted.
6.3 Load Indicator Output (Load_Current) -
The VRM/EVRD may have an output with a voltage (Load_Current) level that varies
linearly with the VRM/EVRD output current. The PWM controller supplier may specify a
voltage-current relationship consistent with the controller’s current sensing method.
Baseboard designers may route this output to a test point for system validation.
6.4 VRM Present (VRM_pres#) - EXPECTED
The VRM should have the VRM_pres# signal. This signal is an output signal used to
indicate to the system that a VRM 10.x compatible module is plugged into the socket.
VRM_pres# is an open-collector/drain or equivalent signal. Table 6-3 shows the
VRM_pres# pin specification. It is EXPECTED that the pull-up resistor will be located
on the baseboard and will not be integrated into the VRM.
6.5 VR_Identification (VR_ID#) - EXPECTED
The VRM should have the VR_ID# signal. This signal is an output signal used to
indicate to the system that a VR11-compatible VRM is plugged into the socket.
VR_ID# is an open-collector/drain or equivalent signal. Table 6-4 shows the VR_ID#
pin specification. It is EXPECTED that the pull-up resistor will be located on the
baseboard and will not be integrated into the VRM.
The VR_ID# signal combined with the VRM_pres# signal forms a two-bit VRM
identification code to indicate the type of module installed in a system. Figure 6-1
defines the two signal decode.
Table 6-3. VRM_pres# Specifications
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
Output Low Current 0 4 mA
Output High Voltage 0.8 5.5 V
Output Low Voltage 0 0.4 V
Table 6-4. VRM_ID# Specifications
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
Output Low Current 0 4 mA
Output High Voltage 0.8 5.5 V
Output Low Voltage 0 0.4 V