Output Voltage Requirements
14 315889-002
The upper and lower load lines represent the allowable range of voltages that must be
presented to the processor. The voltage must always stay within these boundaries for
proper operation of the processor. Operating above the V
CCMAX load line limit will result
in higher processor operating temperature, which may result in damage or a reduced
processor lifespan. Processor temperature rise from higher functional voltages may
lead to dynamic operation to low power states, which directly reduces processor
performance. Operating below the V
CCMIN load line limit will result in minimum voltage
violations, which will result in reduced processor performance, system lock up, “blue
screens” or data corruption.
For load line validation information, please refer to the LGA771-V2 Voltage Test Tool
User’s Guide.
Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-2 shows the load line voltage offsets and current levels based
on the VID specifications for the core regulator.
The encoding in Table 2-2 for the load lines is valid for the range of load current from
0 A to 150 A. The VID_Select, load line 1 (LL1), and load line 0 (LL0) control signals
from Section 3.4, form a 3-bit load line selection and will be used to configure the VRM/
EVRD to supply the proper load lines for the platforms in Table 1-1. Refer to Figure 6-1
for additional encoding requirements for VRMs. For implementation of VID_Select, LL0,
and LL1 on the baseboard refer to the appropriate platform design guidelines. The
VID_Select control signal will select the appropriate VR10 or VR11 table and remap the
external VID [6:0] pins to the appropriate DAC input. This line will be pulled up
externally to the VTT rail (1.1 V/1.2 V ± 5%) via a recommended 4.7 kΩ resistor on the
baseboard and will be programmed by the processor package. The processor does not
support 5 V or 12 V levels and these should not be used. The VID_Select signal should
be logic low or tied to ground for extended VR10 table selection. A logic high will
indicate a VR11 table selection. The VID_Select will not toggle during normal operation.
Table 2-3. VID_Select, LL1, LL0 Codes (Sheet 1 of 2)
LL1 LL0 Load Line / Processors
0 00
1.25 mΩ; Reserved
0 01
1.25 mΩ; Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5000 Series / MV
processor LGA771 die Load Line
0 10
1.25 mΩ; Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 7000 series / Dual-Core
Intel® Xeon® 7100 series processor mPGA604 die Load Line
0 11
1 00
1.00 mΩ; Reserved
1.25 mΩ; Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5100 Series, Dual-Core
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5200 Series, Quad-Core Intel® Xeon®
Processor 5400 Series, Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 7200
Series, Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 7300 Series
1 10
1.50 mΩ; Reserved
1.25 mΩ; Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor 5300 Series
CC Tolerance / Die Load Line Units Notes