Before performing service or maintenance operations on
unit, turn off main power switch to unit and install lockout
tag on disconnect switch. Electrical shock could cause per-
sonal injury.
Cleaning- Inspect unit interior at beginning of each
heating and cooling season and as operating conditions require
(see Fig. 48). Remove unit top panel and/or side panels for ac-
cess to unit interioc
DATION -- Routine cleaning of coil surfaces is essential to
maintain proper operation of the unit. Elimination of contmni-
nation and remowd of harmful residues will greatly increase
the life of the coil and extend the life of the unit. The following
maintenance and cleaning procedures are recommended as part
of the routine maintenance activities to extend the life of the
Fig. 48 -- Typical Gas Heating Section
Remove Surface Loaded Fibers -- Surface loaded fibers or
dirt should be removed with a vacuum cleanel: If a vacuum
cleaner is not available, a soft non-metallic bristle brush may
be used. In either case, the tool should be applied in the direc-
tion of the fins. Coil surfaces can be easily &_maged(fin edges
can be easily bent over graddamage to the coating of a protect-
ed coil) if the tool isapplied across the fins.
NOTE: Use of a water stream, such as a garden hose, against a
surface loaded coil will drive the fibers and diri into the coil.
This will make cleaning efforts morn difficult. Surface loaded
fibeL'smust be completely removed prior to using low velocity
clean water nnse.
Periodic Clean Water Rinse --A periodic clean water rinse is
veU beneficial for coils that am applied in coastal or industrial
environments. HoweveL it is very important that the water
rinse is made with veq low velocity water stream to avoid
damaging the fin edges. Monthly cleaning as described below
is recommended.
Routine Cleaning of Coil Surfaces -- Monthly cleaning with
Totaline® environmentally sound coil cleaner is essential to
extend the life of coils. This cleaner is available from Cmrier
Replacement parts division as part number P902-0301 for a
one gallon containel; and pmt number lX)02-0305 for a 5 gallon
containel: It is recommended that all coils, including stan&trd
aluminum, pro-coated, copper/copper or E-coated coils be
cleaned with the Totaline environmentally sound coil cleaner
as described below. Coil cleaning should be part of the unit's
reguhuty scheduled maintenance procedures to ensure long life
of the coil. Failure to clean the coils may result in reduced du-
rability in the environment.
Avoid the use of:
• Coil brighteners
• Acid cleaning prior to painting
• High pressure washers
• Poor quality water for cleaning
Totaline environmentally sound coil cleaner is non-flamma-
ble, hypoallergenic, nonbacterial, and a USDA accepted biode-
gradable agent that will not harm the coil or surrounding com-
ponents such as electrical wiring, painted metal surfaces, or in-
sulation. Use of non-recommended coil cleaners is strongly
discouraged since coil and unit durability could be affected.
Totaline Environmentally Sound Coil Cleaner Al)l)lRz_tion
• 21/2 gallon garden sprayer
• Water rinse with low velocity spray nozzle
Harsh chemicals, household bleach or acid or basic clean-
ers should not be used to clean outdoor or indoor coils of
any kind. These cleaners can be very difficult to rinse out
of the coil and can accelerate corrosion at the fin/tube inter-
face where dissimilar materials are in contact. If there is
dirt below the surface of the coil, use the Totaline environ-
mentally sound coil cleaner as described above.
High velocity water fi'om a pressure washeL garden hose,
or compressed air should never be used to clean a coil. The
force of the water or air jet will bend the fin edges and
increase airside pressure drop. Reduced unit performance
or nuisance unit shutdown may occm:
Totaline Environmentally Sound Coil Cleaner Al)l)fi{zaion
1. Proper eye protection such as safety glasses is recom-
mended during mixing and application.
2. Remove all surface loaded fibers and dirt with a vacuum
cleaner as described above.
3. Thoroughly wet finned surfaces with clean water and a
low velocity garden hose, being careful not to bend fins.
4. Mix Totaline environmentally sound coil cleaner in a
2V2 gallon gmden sprayer according to the instructions
included with the cleanel: The optimum solution temper-
ature is 100E
NOTE: Do NOT USE water in excess of 130 F. as the enzy-
matic activity will be destroyed.
5. Thoroughly apply Totaline environmentally sound coil
cleaner solution to all coil surfaces including finned area,
tube sheets and coil headers.
6. Hold garden sprayer nozzle close to finned areas and ap-
ply cleaner with a vertical, up-and-down motion. Avoid
spraying in horizontal pattern to minimize potential for
fin damage.
7. Ensure cleaner thoroughly penetrates deep into finned
8. Interior and exterior finned meas must be thoroughly
9. Finned surfaces should remain wet with cleaning solution
for 10 minutes.