Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
following mailboxes receive the message: 224 through 227, 101 through 104, and 401 through
403. Mailbox 104 only receives one copy of the message, even though it appears in both lists 3
and 4.
Feature bit 222 prevents mailbox owners from nesting distribution lists.
If you are creating the distribution list from the server console, identify a nested distribution list by
including “D” before the list number (for example, D03). This is not needed when creating a list
from the telephone; just enter the list number (for example, 03). For complete information refer to
the Mailbox task list in Volume 2 of this manual.
Note: If you send a message to a nested list that contains many mailboxes, a mailbox owner can receive a
message twice. This can happen if a mailbox appears in two lists and the mailbox owner receives
the message while the server is still processing the rest of the list. If the mailbox owner discards the
message, the server can send another copy when it reaches to the second occurrence of the
mailbox. This is only an issue with very large nested distribution lists.
Distribution List Interaction With FCOS
You can use the mailbox FCOS to control the ability to send messages to distribution lists,
receive messages sent to other lists, or create or modify distribution lists. As described above, a
feature bit prevents distribution list nesting. Additional feature bits control whether mailbox
owners can use master distribution lists.
The feature bits listed in Table 6-2 affect distribution list use.
Table 6-2 Feature Bits that Control Distribution Lists
Feature Bits Descriptions
032 Make (messages) to user distribution list
033 Give (messages) to user distribution list
034 Make to master distribution list
035 Give to master distribution list
036 Auto-receipt for user distribution list messages
044 Receive user distribution list messages
045 Receive master distribution list messages
074 Create or modify user distribution list
134 Broadcast message waiting status
222 Deny nesting of distribution lists
In addition, these limits affect distribution lists:
• Maximum number of distribution lists (maximum 99)
• Maximum recipients count (maximum 65,535)
For more information, see the Features Class of Service and Other Classes of Service chapters.
Copyright 2002, Mitel Networks Corporation 89