Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Statistics Reports
The server can produce many types of statistics reports, as shown in Table 12-1. You can
request reports for any or all parts of the most recent seven days’ activity. Standard reports for
each statistic show the resource usage in 15-minute increments. The server administrator has
the option of generating a summary report, where one set of data is generated for the entire time
Table 12-1 Types of Statistics Reports Available
Report Description
All Trunks Busy Statistics
(Group Usage)
Shows the number of times in a specified period that
port within a line group was busy, and the total
number of seconds that this condition occurred within
that time period. You can display data for a single line
group or for a range of line groups.
Line Group Usage Statistics Gives the number of seconds that an individual port was
busy and the number of calls received by that port,
within a chosen time period. You can display data for a
single port or for a range of ports. This report is similar
to Line Usage Statistics except it is at the line group
Line Usage Statistics This report shows the number of seconds during which
individual ports were busy, and how many calls each
line received, over a specified reporting period.
Mailbox Statistics See the Mailbox Usage section of this chapter, under
Configuration and Usage Reports.
Message Count Statistics Shows the total number of messages that were used,
how many were free, and the percentage of server
storage that was used, for a specific time period.
Speech Block Usage Shows the amount of speech storage that was in use,
and the amount available, over a specified period of
Fax Group Usage Statistics Shows transactions, use, resources, and busy line
information for NuPoint Fax groups.
Complete Summary Report Also called Total Statistics Summary Report, a
summary of all report statistics, containing the most
meaningful report information for each day of the entire
Total System Statistics Report Shows how much storage capacity on the hard disk has
been consumed, and how much is still available.
Virtual Drive Statistics Shows how much of the storage capacity on the each of
the drive partitions has been consumed, and how much
is still available.
Group Usage Report
This report, also called Line Groups--All Trunks Busy Report, shows how many times, and for
how many seconds, every port in a line group is busy simultaneously. This condition is called “All
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