Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
2. Compares to the exact match table and blocks the call because the number matches and the
table is a disallow table.
If a dial string is 15102265678, the system :
1. Removes the 1 in accordance with the absorption table.
2. Compares to the exact match table.
3. Compares the NPA 510. Places the call because the NPA 510 does not have an associated
NXX table and the NPA table is set to allow.
As the preceding examples show, NPA/NXX call screening works well for domestic outdials. For
restricting international outdials, the best method is to limit the number of digits that can be dialed
to less than the length of an international telephone number. Do this with an LCOS that includes
any of these limits parameters, as appropriate:
• NP WakeUp – Phone Length
• Maximum Number of Digits for Telephone Number
• Message Delivery – Phone Length
• Message Phone Length
• Paging – Phone Length
Then assign this LCOS to the desired mailboxes. Refer to the Limits Class of Service section for
information on LCOS configuration.
Configuration Requirements
Organize the data you need to configure an RCOS on an RCOS Worksheet. Blank worksheets
are located near the end of this manual. The worksheet will help you set parameters, which are
located in the RCOS menu. The following paragraphs describe entries you can make on the
Identify the RCOS by a number from 1 through 64 and enter this number in the “RCOS to modify”
box of the worksheet. Also, you have the option of naming the RCOS to easily identify it; you can
enter up to 15 characters in the “RCOS name” box on the worksheet.
Configuration Requirements for System-Wide Parameters
Enter the system wide parameters in the “System Wide Parameters” portion of the RCOS
The starting and ending digit positions of the NPA and NXX are RCOS parameters that apply to
all RCOSs in the system. You can change starting and ending digit positions, of course, but any
changes apply to all RCOSs that might be configured.
You must define the starting and ending digit positions for the NPA and NXX. The counting of the
digit position starts from the right. When specifying digit positions, be aware that the system
counts the positions from right to left. This right-to-left counting operates in the screening as
shown in Figure 8-7.
Figure 8-7 Counting Digit Positions
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