Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Default: 1 retry
Fax Delivery Retry Interval
Sets how long the server waits between tries to deliver a fax after a Busy, Ring No Answer, or
fax-unavailable call.
Enter: Minutes, from 1 through 255
Default: 1 minute
Mailbox & Message Retention Limit Menu
Includes parameters that determine how long various types of messages remain in a mailbox.
If the value for Absolute Message Retention is less than the values for both or either the Played
and Unplayed message retention settings, it overrides those parameters.
LCOSs and Automatic PurgingThe server runs an automatic purge every 24 hours at
midnight. The server checks the message retention limits in the LCOS in each mailbox, then
purges any messages that are at, or over, those limits. For example, if the played message
retention is eight hours and a message was played at noon, it stays in the system for 12 hours
after it was played, until it is automatically purged at midnight. If the message was played at 10
p.m., it stays in the system for 26 hours because it does not reach the message retention limit by
the first purge.
The age of an unplayed message is calculated from the time it is left in a mailbox. If you set very
short retention limits for unplayed messages, advise users to check messages at least once a
Mailbox Retention
Sets how long a mailbox can remain on the server before it is automatically deleted.
Enter: Number of days, from 0 through 255; 0 for no limit
Default: 0 (no limit)
Played Message Retention
Sets how long a played message can remain in a mailbox before it is deleted by automatic
Enter: Number of hours, from 1 through 8760 (1 year); 0 for no limit; a period (.) to prevent
automatic purging
Default: 672 hours (28 days)
Unplayed Message Retention
Sets how long an unplayed message can remain in a mailbox before it is deleted by automatic
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