Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Dialing plan
A numerical structure of how mailbox numbers are assigned, and their length. Also used to
determine which digit implements a capability, such as call placement.
Dial string
Group of alphanumeric characters dialed or outdialed by the server. Often used to facilitate call
transfers. Outdialing is used in the Pager application.
Direct Inward Dialing; routes outside calls to a specific station without operator or attendant
DID line
Direct Inward Dial Line; a trunk line that accepts incoming calls only. You cannot use this line to
make outcalls or transfers. If you try to make an outcall or transfer a call, you will not get a dial
tone. This trunk line uses E & M signaling and requires special trunk circuits from the telephone
company, and interfacing circuitry for the server.
DID NuPoint Voice application
A NuPoint Voice application that handles DID lines.
Direct In-Line; an outside caller can reach a specific extension by dialing the seven-digit
telephone number. The caller does not go through an attendant or switchboard.
Digit absorption
Used by the DID NuPoint Voice application, this process ignores leading DN digits not
needed for a user’s extension or mailbox number.
Digit offset
Used by the DID NuPoint Voice application, this process adds digits to or subtracts digits
from the DN to correspond a user’s extension or mailbox number.
Digital networking
Networking method that transmits voice messages to remote servers as digital files. See NP
Distribution list
A group of mailboxes to which the NuPoint Voice application sends the same message.
Distribution lists allows a user to send the same message to a number of recipients at the same
time. Users and the Administrator can assign mailbox numbers to distribution lists.
Directory number; a telephone number.
DTMF tone
Dual Tone Multi Frequency; the sounds created by pressing the keys on a pushbutton telephone.
E & M signaling
Ear and mouth signaling; a pair of wires carrying signals between trunk equipment and separate
signaling equipment. The E lead receives, the M lead transmits.
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