Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
NuPoint Voice Application Worksheet is divided into these two types to help you enter settings
into the console in the right order.
Offline configuration
handles server settings that cannot be changed immediately, such as setting
up line groups.
Online configuration
includes the remainder of server settings that can be
modified at any time. Many offline and online configuration settings work together, so there are
two kinds of online configuration: the active and the inactive configuration.
active configuration
is the online configuration currently in use, and any changes you make
to it take effect immediately after exiting the menus. The
inactive configuration
is the online
configuration that is in reserve; changes made to it do not take effect until you perform an
additional step. This option should be used when you also make changes in the offline
configuration. Then you
activate the configuration
to implement all the changes you made, both
online (inactive) and offline.
Figure 2-1 shows the relationship between the different configuration types.
Figure 2-1 Handling Configuration Types
Figure 2-2 Sample NuPoint Voice Application Worksheet
Defining a Line Group
All NuPoint Messenger server ports (telephone lines) are assigned to line groups. Each line
group, in turn, is assigned to a single application, and any programming that is done for that
application applies to every port in the line group. The number of ports you assign to each line
group depends on how heavy you expect the phone traffic to be for the particular application.
At the PBX or CO level, all telephone lines connected to the ports of an individual line group are
typically assigned to a hunt group, ACD group, UCD group, etc. to ensure that incoming calls are
answered by the first port that is available for the particular application.
Line Group Number
Each line group is represented by a discrete number. Valid line group numbers are 1 through 24.
The preset default for the NuPoint Voice application is 1.
Group Name
The group name identifies the line group’s purpose. For example, a line group could be called
“Message Center.” There is no default group name.
Line(s) in Group
You identify each line (or port) in a group with three identifiers, which indicate a module, a line
card, and a port on a line card. “Module” refers to a CPU, the server’s main processor. Modules
are numbered from 1 through 4. Line cards are numbered 0 through 15. Each line card has a
number of ports, and you can connect one telephone line to each port. Port numbering also starts
at 0 and the upper limit depends on the type of line card you are using. The set of three identifiers
(module, line card, and port) is called a “triplet,” and is used in this format:
The default setting has all telephone lines on the server assigned to group 1.
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