Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Tip & Ring
Telephony term for the ground (tip) and positive (ring) wires in an electrical circuit. Also known as
Tip-Ring or T-R.
Moving a call from one station to another within a telephone network or site.
Tree mailbox
Mailbox that routes users and callers to child mailboxes, based on keypad input. Tree
mailboxes must contain a distribution list so that the server knows how to route users and
A set of three numbers, separated by colons, that refer to a specific line connected to the
server. Triplets use the form m:s:p, where m refers to the module number (1-4), s the line card
slot number (0-15), and p the port number (starting from 0) on the line card.
A telephone communication channel between two points, where one is usually the CO or
switching center.
A user option which is a series of detailed prompts that guides the user through simple
mailbox operation.
Uniform Call Distributor; a device to handle incoming calls and distribute them among several
agents. Less “intelligent” than ACD.
Unbilled outdial index
See Outdial index.
Unplayed message
A message that has not been played (heard) by the user.
Urgent message
A message that is played before normal messages. Messages marked Urgent are put in a
different queue and can be treated differently.
Also called “mailbox user.” A person who has one or more voice mailboxes in the server and is
logged into it. Users may have extensive call processing options, such as play messages, answer
messages, give messages, keep messages and use distribution lists. Contrast with server
superuser, NuPoint Voice superuser, and console user.
User Distribution list
See Mailbox owner distribution list.
User ID
(User identifier). A security feature consisting of a unique identifier of up to 17 letters that is
required as the first step in logging in to a server. The server superuser, each NuPoint Voice
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