Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
had relatively little message storage.
You can report the hours immediately before and after midnight to judge the effectiveness of the
automatic purge. If message storage is near or above 80% on a regular basis, for example, most
mailbox LCOSs on the server should be adjusted, to give these mailboxes a shorter message
retention time. This makes the purge more effective, and frees message storage more quickly.
As an alternative, the maximum number of messages and maximum message length can be
decreased on as many of the server’s LCOSs as is feasible.
Speech Usage Report
Each server has a maximum number of storage units available on the hard disk. The number of
these speech storage units, called “speech blocks,” depends on the storage hour capacity of the
hard disk. In addition to messages, mailbox names and greetings, prompts, and distribution list
names all consume speech storage blocks. The Speech Usage Report (see sample in Figure 12-
10) shows the maximum number of speech blocks for your server, the number of blocks in use,
and the percent of message storage still available, during a specified reporting period.
The reporting period can be any hour, or range of hours, from the current day or portions of the
most recent seven days. The server administrator can choose to run either a full report, which
gives the statistics in 15-minute increments for each hour of the reporting period, or a summary
report, which shows the average speech block usage for each hour.
Figure 12-10 Sample Standard Speech Block Usage Report
Fri Apr 21, 1995 10:54 am
04/17/95 15hr-16hr --- minutes interval --- Max Speech Blks=0
SPEECH HOUR=15 00-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 AVERAGE
BLOCKS FREE - 328304 327818 327603 327908
PERCENT USED - 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 %
SPEECH HOUR=16 00-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 AVERAGE
BLOCKS FREE 327708 327400 326773 326367 327062
PERCENT USED 15 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 15
Reading the Standard Speech Block Usage Report
The report heading shows the date and time that the report was run.
The first line of the report shows the date and time interval during which the data were gathered,
and the maximum number of available speech storage blocks on the server (Max Speech Blks).
This line is repeated for each day in the report.
The data displayed immediately below were gathered during the hour between 3 and 4 p.m. An
entry of 00-14 indicates that data in that column were gathered during the first fifteen minutes of
the hour; an entry of 15-29 refers to the second 15-minutes of the hour, etc.
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