Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
wants the server to try to reach her at home. Her office phone number is (415) 555-6836, and her
home number is (408) 555-0921. She wants the server to try her office number three times, with
calls that are 10 minutes apart, then to try her home twice, with 30 minutes between calls. When
test calls are made, it takes five seconds for her office telephone to ring, after dialing is
completed, and three seconds for her home telephone to ring. The dial string to call her office is:
Caller Action
Dial String
Wait for dial tone. T
Tell the PBX that you want an outside line. 9
Wait for a dial tone, to confirm that you have the outside line. T
Dial the office number. 14155556836
Wait 5 seconds for the connection to be completed. +++++
Similarly, the dial string to call her home is T9T14085550921+++++. Remember that the server
automatically appends a G (Greet) code at the end of the pager string for message delivery calls.
In addition, you need to set phone line exception 11 to 1 and line exception 170 to 1700.
To add message delivery to Anita’s mailbox, specify the following on an Outdial Line Group
Pager system index 1
Access code T9T
On the message delivery Mailbox Individual Worksheet, entries are:
Pager system Pager access code index 1 (defined as T9T)
Pager number 5556836
Post-Pager number +++++
Pager frequency
3 or press Enter
Pager interval 10
Pager access type U (unbilled)
Message delivery Yes
To add additional pagers or message delivery numbers to Anita’s mailbox, the server prompts for
additional pagers. If you answer Yes, the server prompts you for the next pager’s information.
Note: Selecting message delivery in the mailbox automatically tells the server to wait for a greeting. Do not
include a V or G in the dial string.
Call Placement Example
Call placement only has to be configured once. The following example shows how you might use
call placement.
Call placement is an efficient way to contact large numbers of people in an emergency. For
example, a pharmacy chain can quickly notify its branches of a product recall.
Caller Action
NuPoint Voice Code
Wait for dial tone. T
Tell the PBX that you want an outside line. 9
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