Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
11 Billing
This chapter describes the billing function and gives the requirements for configuring the billing
function. Billing reports are summarized in this chapter, but the Reports chapter has more
complete information about them. Information covered in this chapter includes:
• Setting rates
• Gathering billing data
• Billing reports
• Configuration requirements
The billing function collects statistics about NuPoint Messenger server usage and calculates
charges for that usage. You can set a low-usage rate, and a high-usage rate for each statistic.
This rate-setting arrangement gives you the option to charge fixed rates, give volume discounts,
or charge for heavy use. During day-to-day server operation, over 120 different statistics can be
kept for each mailbox, grouped into these six categories:
• Mailbox access
• Base rates
• Connect time
• Disk usage
• Messages received
• Network rates
• Pager calls
You can instruct the server to perform a gather of these statistics, then obtain billing reports
generated by the server from the resulting information.
Billing an outdial to a specified account and specifying a long distance carrier for outdials are
covered in the Mailboxes chapter.
Use the following procedures to configure the billing function. These procedures are located in
Volume 2 of this manual.
Procedure Number
Billing Function Usage CP 3365
Adjust Billing Rates for Full-Screen Interface CP 4355
Bill Outdials to an Account or Long Distance Carrier CP 3289
Check Current Billing Rates CP 4354
Configure an Automatic Gather CP 4356
Request a Gather CP 4357
Set Base Rates CP 4363
Set Billing Rates for Connect Time CP 4364
Set Billing Rates for Disk Usage CP 4358
Set Billing Rates for Mailbox Accesses CP 4359
Set Billing Rates for Message Delivery CP 5016
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