Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
RS-232 Message Waiting Indicators Interfaces
This application allows servers to turn PBX message waiting indicators on and off by sending
signals to the PBX over RS-232 data links. The data links can be either direct serial connections
to the PBX, or they can connect to modems that are connected to analog ports on the PBX.
When a message is left in a mailbox, the server sends an ASCII message that tells the PBX to
turn on the message waiting indicator at the appropriate station. Conversely, when all unplayed
messages are played, the server sends an ASCII string that directs the PBX to turn off the
message waiting indicator.
Serial Port or Modem Requirement
To use any RS-232 message waiting indicators interface, an RS-232 cable must be run from a
server serial port to the PBX (or, in the case of CentrexRS-232 MWI interface, to a modem that
communicates with the Central Office). The physical setup uses RS-232 pins 2, 3, and 4, with
communications parameters of 1200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, full duplex, and no
flow control.
If you have an expansion serial port card installed in your server, you can use as many serial
ports as necessary for the programmable RS232 message waiting application. You first assign
and configure a single serial port using index 1, and then any additional ports assigned to the
application will adopt the configuration of the first port.
RS-232 Message Waiting Indicators Interface Worksheet
Complete an RS-232 Message Waiting Indicators Interface Worksheet. A blank worksheet is
located in Volume 2 of this Manual. Then see "Message Waiting Indicators" in the task list for
configuration procedures.
Pre-Programmed Interfaces
A server can operate with a variety of pre-programmed interfaces. These are described briefly in
the following paragraphs.
SL-1 Background Terminal Facility
Use this message waiting indicators interface when the SL-1 background terminal facility (X37
release 3) message waiting protocol is required.
Note: This option has been superseded in SL-1 software. Unresolved conflicts can occur with some newer
NuPoint Messenger Standard Interface
A wide variety of PBXs can use this interface. Default settings for this interface are listed in Table
Table 5-2 Default Settings for Standard Interface
String Setting
Initialization string \r\r\r (three carriage returns)
Reply string None
Pre-DN ON string M1
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