Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
you must assign a group to a bitmapped GCOS.
Guest mailbox
A temporary mailbox set up by a subscriber for guests. Used in the hotel/motel environment.
Hard play prompt
An instruction from the NuPoint Voice application that cannot be interrupted by pressing a key
on the telephone keypad. The keypress must send a DTMF tone to NuPoint Voice before it will
interrupt the instruction. See also Prompts.
Idle mailbox
A mailbox that has been created and assigned but which has not yet been logged into.
Hardware and software used to interface the server with a specific PBX or switch. Allows the
NuPoint Voice application to know what telephone number was originally dialed, for example.
Internal outdial index
See Outdial index.
The ability to store a message for future playing.
The set of pushbuttons on a telephone set.
Data entry using a telephone keypad.
Limits Class of Service; a set of options that restricts the capabilities of a mailbox. By assigning
an LCOS to each mailbox, the Administrator determines the controls, or limits, on a mailbox.
A single restriction on one of the capabilities of a mailbox. Limits may be on such things as time
length of messages and number of messages per mailbox. You cannot assign an individual limit
to a mailbox; you must assign an LCOS.
Telephone line input to a NuPoint Voice port.
Line card
Hardware circuit board in a server with ports for each telephone line. The line card interfaces
between the caller and NuPoint Voice software.
Line group
A set of one or more lines that are configured the same way. Line groups are assigned to
specific applications such as the NuPoint Voice application or the Pager application.
The process of entering a (1) passcode from the telephone keypad to use various server
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