Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Verify Reports
There are two verify reports that record the results of the verify program differently. You can
review the results from the Offline Verify from the Reports Menu. You can review the results from
the Online Verify from the System Verify Menu. There are two types of Online System Verify
reports, Speech and Records. If you compare the results of an Offline System Verify with an
Online System Verify, the number of messages will differ. The Offline Verify (see sample in
Figure 12-18) reports the actual number of messages contained in the server. The Online Verify
(see sample in Figure 12-19) reports the maximum number of messages the server can contain.
For complete information on both Online and Offline Verify, refer to the appropriate
and Service Manual
for your platform.
Figure 12-18 Sample Offline System Verify Report
>>> Acme Products System <<
Tue Feb 9, 1995 12:33 pm
>>> Acme Products System <<<
Verify Speech File Utility
Tue Feb 7, 1995 2:42 pm
Verify virtual speech drive 2:
Verifying master control sector...
Verifying prompt speech...
Verifying transient speech...
--- Summary of Speech File System Status ---
Number of Prompt Directory Sectors 0020 28 %
Number of Prompt Pointer Sectors 0fa0 0475 29 %
Number of Transient Pointer Sectors 55f0 0000 0 %
Number of Prompt Speech Blocks 0fa0 0679 41 %
Number of Transient Speech Blocks 00fa00 000000 0 %
1141 prompt(s) verified.
0 prompt(s) contained errors.
0 transient message(s) verified.
0 message(s) contained errors.
0 message(s) fixed.
>>> Acme Products System <<<
Verify OAA Records Utility
Tue Feb 7, 1995 2:45 pm
New verify sequence number = -111
New verify create sequence number = -110
Verifying mailboxes...
Verifying distribution lists...
Verifying copy lists...
Verifying amis lists...
Verifying amis lists...
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