Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
About This Manual
This manual describes how to configure the NuPoint Voice™ software in any of these NuPoint
Messenger™ servers:
• Model 640
• Model 120
• Model 70
Who Should Read This Manual
This manual is intended for technicians and administrators who are responsible for configuring
software on the NuPoint Messenger system.
How to Use This Manual
This manual contains two volumes. Volume 1 includes reference chapters and a glossary.
Volume 2 includes tasks lists, procedures, and user aids, such as worksheets and menu maps.
Reference Chapters
The reference chapters, 1 through 12, located in Volume 1, provide details about the NuPoint
Messenger software configuration. These chapters discuss how components are related,
elaborate on concepts, give operational details, and contain tables and figures about
configuration. The
System Implementation Guide
gives suggestions and recommendations on
preparing for a NuPoint Messenger server installation. The
Installation and Service Manual
your system) provides installation procedures.
Task List
Task lists appear in Volume 2. To use a task list, start with a principal task (shown in boldface)
to configure a new system. Each task listed is described in more detail in a procedure. If you
want to perform other tasks on a system that is already configured, look up the task you want to
perform in the task list.
Each reference chapter in Volume 1 contains a list, by title and number, of related Procedures
(CPs). The collection of those configuration CPs follows the task lists in Volume 2; the number of
a CP does not indicate a sequence of performance. Follow the steps in the CPs to accomplish
desired tasks. A reference list in each CP contains pointers to supplemental information, such as
other procedures, other manuals, menu maps, and so forth.
Copyright 2002, Mitel Networks Corporation 2