Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Successful pages are retried a specified number of minutes apart (the pager interval), for a
maximum number of times (the pager frequency). Paging is discontinued when any of the
following occurs:
• The frequency number is reached
• The user listens to all unplayed messages in the mailbox and logs out
• The user disables paging
Unsuccessful Outdialing
If the server encounters a Busy or Reorder tone, or a Ring No Answer condition after outdialing,
the call is considered unsuccessful. Other examples of unsuccessful calls are if no dial tone is
detected, or no tone or voice “greets” the server after the page is made. The server retries the
page according to the busy frequency and busy interval.
When the server detects that an “illegal” dial string (that is, a string that does not conform to
configuration rules) has been outdialed, it considers the page successful. This prevents the
server from continually retrying the page. However, if a dial string is configured incorrectly (that is,
it cannot activate the pager), but conforms to pager configuration rules, the server continually
retries the page. This is why it is critical to test every pager immediately after configuring is
Note: If you are using answer supervision (the L code) in any of your outdial strings, your outdial is
considered a failure unless the server detects a ringing on the line.
Billing Considerations
The billing function is capable of billing both paging and message delivery on a per-call basis.
Remember, however, that the server site is the calling party and thereby responsible for any
charges that accrue when paging or message delivery calls are made to the outside telephone
network. As stated earlier, pager calls are usually of very short duration, but message delivery
calls can be quite long. Since the cost of each call depends on the time of day that it is made, the
duration of the call, the distance between the server and the user, and the rates of the local
telephone company, the server makes no provisions for this aspect of the billing.
Outdial Billing
Outdials such as paging calls can, however, be billed back to a mailbox owner’s account. This
form of outdial billing can be implemented through individual mailboxes’ configuration and is
explained more fully in the Mailboxes chapter.
Here is an example:
Henry Huggins has a pager and has his pager calls billed to his calling card number. To perform
this manually, you lift the telephone receiver; wait for a dial tone; dial 9 to get an outside line;
listen for a dial tone; dial 0-612-555-4534 (0 indicates you will charge the call); wait for a
computer tone; dial the calling card number; wait for another tone; dial his mailbox number, 6446;
then dial # to tell the pager that all the display data has been entered. (This activates the pager).
The dial string for these actions is:
Caller Action
Dial String
Wait for dial tone. T
Dial 9 to get outside access. 9
Wait for second dial tone. T
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