Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
be used where a paging service is sold for a flat fee per month. A limit of 0 means no limit is set.
Table 4-3 Paging Limits
Limit Unit Default Valid Values
Pages per billing period pages 0 0-999
Paging—phone length digits 7 3–11
Receipt retention, regular hours 0 0-8760
Paging—Phone Length
This controls user modification of paging. The paging phone length determines the maximum
number of digits users can enter for a paging number. The default is 7, the allowable range is 3 to
11 digits. It is useful for preventing long-distance calls.
Note: This does not apply to phone numbers entered at a server maintenance console.
Receipt Retention, Regular
This is used in the Pager application to limit the amount of time regular receipts are kept. (The
Receipt Retention, CTP limit is used with the Cut-through Paging optional feature.) The limit can
be up to 8760 hours (1 year). Alternatively, you can specify unlimited receipt retention by entering
For more information about LCOSs and limits, see the Other Classes of Service chapter.
Action at the End of a Dial String
After the last character is outdialed, the server goes on-hook (hangs up) automatically when
dialing a pager.
Voice Pager Code in the Dial String
A V (Voice Pager) anywhere in the dial string causes the server to play the first unplayed
message only. If there is more than one message in the mailbox, the user is paged again almost
immediately and the next unplayed message is played.
Greet Code in the Dial String
When the server is configured to outdial a telephone number, and the number is followed by a G
(Greet) code, the “clicks” and “pops” of particularly noisy switching equipment could be
misinterpreted as a greeting. You can usually avoid this by inserting a + before the Greet code;
for example, T9T5551212+G. If this still does not prevent the misinterpretation, dial the telephone
number, then count the number of seconds that it takes for the pager to answer. Insert the
appropriate number of plus signs (+) between the number and the G. (For example, if the dial
string is T9T5551212G, and it takes the pager five seconds to answer, change the string to
Answer Supervision Code in the Dial String
• You can use the Answer Supervision (L) code if you have analog phone lines. This is a good
alternative to the Greet (G) code, because answer supervision can increase reliability and
lower connect time.
• Answer supervision time out controls how many seconds the line card waits until issuing a
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