Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
FPSA allows access to menus only to persons who are authorized through permission
categories. In addition, FPSA requires passwords of all users logging in.
Using FPSA
You must activate FPSA at your site from the Security menu, then configure it as desired, before
it is operational. While there is no charge for FPSA, you must specifically order it.
Once FPSA is activated, you can reach menus at the server maintenance console only if you
have the proper permission category (or categories). Every server menu is associated with one or
more permission categories.
There are additional restrictions on passwords when FPSA is installed.
• When FPSA is installed, passwords must contain at least one letter, one digit, and one
punctuation mark. For example, 13nuts)c or o;ster1.
• Users must change their passwords periodically (default is 30 days). The new password must
be different from the old one. The server issues a reminder notice at login warning that the
password must be changed; the default reminder period is seven days. If the password is not
changed before the expiration date, the server forces the user to change passwords after
logging in. The server superuser can set the period between password changes and the
period for displaying warnings.
• If you enter your password incorrectly, the server allows you another attempt to enter it
correctly. The number of attempts allowed before the server locks the user ID is set by the
server superuser. The default is five attempts. If a user ID should become locked, only the
server superuser can unlock it. No indication is given to a user on lockout.
Note: The number of bad login attempts is counted from midnight to midnight of the following day, and is
cleared and restarted each midnight.
• The first time you log in, the server requires you to change the temporary password assigned
by the server superuser at the time you were added to the server.
• If you lose or forget the password for the server superuser account, there is a procedure to
bypass the login sequence.Contact your technical support representative. Refer to Volume 2
of this manual for more information.
Permission Categories
You can use any of six permission categories to establish privileges for each user ID. These
categories and users are defined in Table 10-1.
Table 10-1 FPSA Permission Category
Category Description
1 Unlimited access to all console menus and all server resources
(synonymous with server superuser access)
2 Unlimited access to all console menus and QNX shell, except cannot
run hardware maintenance from hard drive (See System Administrator,
3 Access only to system configuration menus including network
configuration (see Chapter 7, Features Class of Service)
4 Access only to mailbox maintenance menus
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