
814 | Port Monitoring
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A source port (MD) can only be monitored by one destination port (MG). The following error is
displayed if you try to assign a monitored port to more than one monitoring port.
FTOS(conf)#mon ses 1
FTOS(conf-mon-sess-1)#$gig 0/0 destination gig 0/60 direction both
FTOS(conf-mon-sess-1)#do show mon ses
SessionID Source Destination Direction Mode Type
--------- ------ ----------- --------- ---- ----
1 Gi 0/0 Gi 0/60 both interface Port-based
FTOS(conf-mon-sess-1)#mon ses 2
FTOS(conf-mon-sess-2)#source gig 0/0 destination gig 0/61 direction both
% Error: MD port is already being monitored.
The C-Series and S-Series may only have four destination ports per port-pipe. There is no limitation on
the total number of monitoring sessions.
Table 38-1 lists the maximum number of monitoring sessions per system. For the C-Series and S-Series,
the total number of sessions is derived by consuming a unique destination port in each session, in each
Port Monitoring on E-Series
Both the E-Series TeraScale and E-Series ExaScale support the following.
FTOS supports one destination (MG) port per monitoring session. The same destination port (MG) can
be used in another monitoring session.
One destination (MG) port can monitor up to 28 source (MD) ports.
A port cannot be defined as both a source (MD) and a destination (MG) port (Message 1).
Table 38-1. Maximum Number of Monitoring Sessions per System
System Maximum Sessions System Maximum Sessions
E1200/E1200i (TeraScale) 28
E1200i (ExaScale)
S50V, S50N
E600/E600i (TeraScale) 14
E600i (ExaScale)
E300 6
Note: On the C-Series and S-Series, there is no limit to the number of monitoring sessions per system,
provided that there are only 4 destination ports per port-pipe. If each monitoring session has a unique
destination port, then the maximum number of session is 4 per port-pipe.
Message 1 Cannot define source (MD) and destination (MG) on same port
% Error: MD port is already being monitored.