814 | Port Monitoring
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• A source port (MD) can only be monitored by one destination port (MG). The following error is
displayed if you try to assign a monitored port to more than one monitoring port.
FTOS(conf)#mon ses 1
FTOS(conf-mon-sess-1)#$gig 0/0 destination gig 0/60 direction both
FTOS(conf-mon-sess-1)#do show mon ses
SessionID Source Destination Direction Mode Type
--------- ------ ----------- --------- ---- ----
1 Gi 0/0 Gi 0/60 both interface Port-based
FTOS(conf-mon-sess-1)#mon ses 2
FTOS(conf-mon-sess-2)#source gig 0/0 destination gig 0/61 direction both
% Error: MD port is already being monitored.
• The C-Series and S-Series may only have four destination ports per port-pipe. There is no limitation on
the total number of monitoring sessions.
Table 38-1 lists the maximum number of monitoring sessions per system. For the C-Series and S-Series,
the total number of sessions is derived by consuming a unique destination port in each session, in each
Port Monitoring on E-Series
Both the E-Series TeraScale and E-Series ExaScale support the following.
• FTOS supports one destination (MG) port per monitoring session. The same destination port (MG) can
be used in another monitoring session.
• One destination (MG) port can monitor up to 28 source (MD) ports.
• A port cannot be defined as both a source (MD) and a destination (MG) port (Message 1).
Table 38-1. Maximum Number of Monitoring Sessions per System
System Maximum Sessions System Maximum Sessions
E1200/E1200i (TeraScale) 28
E1200i (ExaScale)
S50V, S50N
E600/E600i (TeraScale) 14
E600i (ExaScale)
E300 6
Note: On the C-Series and S-Series, there is no limit to the number of monitoring sessions per system,
provided that there are only 4 destination ports per port-pipe. If each monitoring session has a unique
destination port, then the maximum number of session is 4 per port-pipe.
Message 1 Cannot define source (MD) and destination (MG) on same port
% Error: MD port is already being monitored.