
Configuration Replace and Rollback | 305
Figure 12-5. Configuring FTOS to Rollback to a Previous Configuration
Figure 12-6. Committing to an Archived Configuration
Configuring an Archive File Maximum
The maximum number of archive files is configurable between 2 and 15. Default maximum is 10. Use the
maximum from ARCHIVE mode to configure this parameter, as shown in Figure 12-7.
If you attempt to archive more configurations than the maximum allowed, the oldest archived
configuration is deleted (Figure 12-8) to create space. However, the number in the name of the
archived file is still incremented (up to 14, after which the numbering convention restarts at 0; if
present, archive_0 is overwritten).
If you configure a maximum less than the number of archived files you already have, then archived
files are deleted to satisfy the maximum.
Figure 12-7. Configuring an Archive Maximum
FTOS#configure replace archive_0 time ?
<60-1800> Time value (in seconds)
FTOS#configure replace archive_0 time 60
This will apply all nessesary additions and deletions
to replace the current running-config with the contents
of the specified configuration file,
which is assumed to be complete configuration,
not a partial configuration
Please confirm if you want to proceed [yes/no]:yes
3d4h45m: %RPM0-P:CP %CLI-6-RBACKSTART: start rollback to file flash:/CFGARCH_DIR/archive_0
3d4h45m: %RPM0-P:CP %SYS-5-CONFIG_LOAD: Loading configuration file
3d4h45m: %RPM0-P:CP %CLI-6-RBACKCOMPLETE: completed rollback to flash:/CFGARCH_DIR/archive_0
R1#Warning: time is expired before confirm. Replace with flash://CFGARCH_DIR/archive_1
FTOS#config replace archive_0 time 60
This will apply all nessesary additions and deletions
to replace the current running-config with the contents
of the specified configuration file,
which is assumed to be complete configuration,
not a partial configuration
Please confirm if you want to proceed [yes/no]:yes
3d5h26m: %RPM0-P:CP %CLI-6-RBACKSTART: start rollback to file flash:/CFGARCH_DIR/archive_0
3d5h26m: %RPM0-P:CP %SYS-5-CONFIG_LOAD: Loading configuration file
3d5h26m: %RPM0-P:CP %CLI-6-RBACKCOMPLETE: completed rollback to flash:/CFGARCH_DIR/archive_0
R1#configure confirm
R1(conf-archive)#maximum 2
R1(conf-archive)#show config
maximum 2