Link Aggregation Control Protocol | 557
Figure 24-19. Using the show interfaces port-channel Command to Inspect LAG 10
physical interface MAC addresses.
Confirms the number of links to bring up
the LAG and that this is a switch
port instead of a router port.
Confirms the total bandwidth for this
LAG and which interfaces are active.
Force10#sh int port 10
Port-channel 10 is up, line protocol is up
Created by LACP protocol
Hardware address is 00:01:e8:09:c4:ef, Current address is 00:01:e8:09:c4:ef
Interface index is 1107755018
Minimum number of links to bring Port-channel up is 1
Internet address is not set
MTU 1554 bytes, IP MTU 1500 bytes
LineSpeed 3000 Mbit
Members in this channel: Gi 3/21(U) Gi 3/22(U) Gi 3/23(U)
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 00:13:07
Queueing strategy: fifo
Input Statistics:
2189 packets, 278744 bytes
0 Vlans
0 64-byte pkts, 32 over 64-byte pkts, 2157 over 127-byte pkts
0 over 255-byte pkts, 0 over 511-byte pkts, 0 over 1023-byte pkts
2189 Multicasts, 0 Broadcasts
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 CRC, 0 overrun, 0 discarded
Output Statistics:
2173 packets, 277350 bytes, 0 underruns
0 64-byte pkts, 19 over 64-byte pkts, 2154 over 127-byte pkts
0 over 255-byte pkts, 0 over 511-byte pkts, 0 over 1023-byte pkts
2173 Multicasts, 0 Broadcasts, 0 Unicasts
0 Vlans, 0 throttles, 0 discarded, 0 collisions, 0 wreddrops
Rate info (interval 299 seconds):
Input 00.00 Mbits/sec, 2 packets/sec, 0.00% of line-rate
Output 00.00 Mbits/sec, 2 packets/sec, 0.00% of line-rate
Time since last interface status change: 00:13:00