1010 | SONET/SDH
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Figure 49-2. wanport command example
Figure 49-3 displays the active alarms for the interface.
Figure 49-3. show controllers tengigabitEthernet command example
SONET Alarm Reporting
SONET equipment detects events and alarms at each of SONET's three layers—section, line, and path.
Typically, a SONET device sends alarms both upstream and downstream to notify other devices of the
problem condition. The GR-253-CORE Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Transport Systems
Common Generic Criteria specification defines several alarms:
• Section Loss of Signal (SLOS)
• Section Loss of Frame (SLOF)
• Alarm Indication Signal - Line (AIS-L)
• Signal Degrade Bit Error Rate (SD-BER)
• Signal Failure Bit Error Rate (SF-BER)
• Remote Defect Indication - Line (RDI-L)
interface TenGigabitEthernet 13/0
no ip address
no shutdown
% Error: Port should be in shutdown mode, config ignored Te 13/0.
error due to no shutdown state
FTOS#show controllers te 13/0
Interface is TenGigabitEthernet 13/0
LOF = 0 LOS = 0 BIP(B1) = 13
AIS = 0 RDI = 1 FEBE = 7633 BIP(B2) = 19264
AIS = 0 RDI = 0 LOP = 0 FEBE = 8554 BIP(B3) = 15685
Active Defects: LRDI
Active Alarms: LRDI
Alarm reporting enabled for: SLOS SLOF B1-TCA LAIS LRDI B2-TCA PAIS PRDI PLOP B3-TCA SD SF
Framing is SONET, AIS-shut is enabled
Enabled Alarms are listed here (default is none)