Multicast Listener Discovery | 613
View the ports that are connected to multicast routers using the command show ipv6 mld snooping mrouter
from EXEC Privilege mode.
Enable Snooping Explicit Tracking
The switch can be a querier, and therefore also has the option of updating the group table through
explicit-tracking (see Explicit Tracking on page 610). Whether the switch is the Querier or not, if snooping
is enabled, the switch tracks all MLD joins. It has separate explicit tracking table which contains group,
source, interface, VLAN and reporter details.
Display the MLD Snooping Table
MLDv2 Snooping
With MLDv1 Snooping, multicast forwarding tables are formed for a group, G, based on received MLDv1
reports. With MLDv2 Snooping, multicast forwarding tables are formed for a source and group pair, (S,G),
based on received MLDv2 include reports. MLDv2 Snooping is compatible with MLDv1 hosts and selects
a port as dynamic mrouter port when it receives Membership Query on that port.
Port Inheritance on Mixed MLD Mode VLANs
A mixed MLD mode VLAN is one which has multiple hosts belonging to the same group, but some hosts
exclude a source (S,G), and others include the same source (S,G).
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Configure the system to remove a group
immediately after receiving a Leave message.
ipv6 mld snooping explicit-tracking
Display the MLD explicit-tracking table.
show ipv6 mld snooping groups explicit
EXEC Privilege
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Display the MLD Snooping table.
show ipv6 mroute mld
EXEC Privilege
Display group information in the table. Group
information can be filtered, see the FTOS
Command Line Reference for the options available
with this command.
show ipv6 mld snooping groups
EXEC Privilege