
E-Series TeraScale Debugging and Diagnostics | 1203
When there are a full set of SFMs online, powering down one SFM will reduce the total bandwidth
supported by the chassis, and may affect data flow. A warning message is issued at the command line that
requires user confirmation to proceed with the command (Figure 61-3).
Figure 61-3. power-off sfm command with data traffic warning message
Since this command is for diagnostic purposes, you can power off more than one SFM which may cause a
switch fabric module to go down. A warning message is issued at the command line and requires user
confirmation to proceed with the command (Figure 61-4).
Figure 61-4. power-off sfm command with switch fabric down warning message
Once the SFM is powered off, the SFM status indicates that the SFM has been powered off by the user. Use
the show sfm all command to display the status (Figure 61-5).
Figure 61-5. show sfm all command Example
Note: Execute this command only during an offline diagnostics; this command may bring down the switch
FTOS#power-off sfm 0
SFM0 is active. Powering it off it might impact the data traffic.
Proceed with power-off [confirm yes/no]:yes
Feb 15 23:52:53: %RPM1-P:CP %CHMGR-2-MINOR_SFM: Minor alarm: only eight working SFM
FTOS#power-off sfm 1
WARNING!! SFM1 is active. Powering it off it will cause Switch Fabric to go down!!
Proceed with power-off [confirm yes/no]:yes
Feb 16 00:03:19: %RPM1-P:CP %TSM-6-SFM_SWITCHFAB_STATE: Switch Fabric: DOWN
Feb 16 00:03:20: %RPM1-P:CP %CHMGR-0-MAJOR_SFM: Major alarm: Switch fabric down
FTOS#show sfm all
Switch Fabric State: down (Not enough working SFMs)
Switch Mode: SFM
-- Switch Fabric Modules --
Slot Status
0 power off (SFM powered off by user)
1 power off (SFM powered off by user)
2 power off (SFM powered off by user)
3 active
4 active
5 active