372 | Force10 Service Agent
www.dell.com | support.dell.com
Figure 16-18. Call-home Debug All during Type 5 Message Generation
#02:13:49 : CALL-HOME: Sending the following email
02:13:49 : From: pubsadmin@training10.com
Subject: <messagetype>Type - 5</messagetype>
Attachment: ramdisk:/crcerror-21_10_04.685.txt
02:13:49 : Message:
<messagetype>Type - 5</messagetype>
<time>21:10:04.678 UTC Tue Mar 10 2009</time>
<serialnum>0036232 </serialnum>
02:13:49: %RPM0-P:CP %CALL-HOME-HELPER-3-CALLHOME: Callhome service sent a message to
Force10 at pubslab@training10.com
02:13:49 : Removing text file ramdisk:/crcerror-21_10_04.685.txt encrypt file
02:13:49 : CALL-HOME: Got action list status