VLAN | 1103
• Set the Null VLAN as the Default VLAN on page 1107
• Enable VLAN Interface Counters on page 1108
Related Protocols and Topics
The following protocols and topics are premised on VLANs, and contain more information about the
utility of VLANs:
• 802.1X
• Chapter 17, GARP VLAN Registration Protocol.
• Chapter 46, Service Provider Bridging
• Chapter 40, Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus.
Create a VLAN
A VLAN is created when you assign it a VLAN ID.
A VLAN is active only if the VLAN contains interfaces and those interfaces are up. VLAN 1 is inactive
because it contains the interfaces that are not up. When you delete a VLAN (
no interface vlan vlan-id), any
interfaces assigned to that VLAN are reassigned to the default VLAN as untagged.
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Create a VLAN. interface vlan vlan-id CONFIGURATION
Display all VLANs.
show vlan vlan-id
EXEC Privilege
FTOS#show vlan
Codes: * - Default VLAN, G - GVRP VLANs
NUM Status Q Ports
* 1 Inactive U So 9/4-11
2 Active U Gi 0/1,18
3 Active U Gi 0/2,19
4 Active T Gi 0/3,20
5 Active U Po 1
6 Active U Gi 0/12
U So 9/0