466 | IPv4 Addressing
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Configure static routes
A static route is an IP address that is manually configured and not learned by a routing protocol, such as
OSPF. Often static routes are used as backup routes in case other dynamically learned routes are
To configure a static route, use the following command in the CONFIGURATION mode:
You can enter as many static IP addresses as necessary.
To view the configured routes, use the
show ip route static command.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
ip route ip-address mask {ip-address |
interface [ip-address]} [distance]
[permanent] [tag tag-value]
CONFIGURATION Configure a static IP address. Use the following
required and optional parameters:
• ip-address: Enter an address in dotted decimal
format (A.B.C.D).
• mask: Enter a mask in slash prefix-length
format (/X).
• interface: Enter an interface type followed by
slot/port information.
• distance range: 1 to 255 (optional).
• permanent: Keep the static route in the
routing table (if interface option is used) even if
the interface with the route is disabled.
• tag tag-value range: 1 to 4294967295.
FTOS#show ip int gi 0/8
GigabitEthernet 0/8 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is
Broadcast address is
Address determined by config file
MTU is 1554 bytes
Inbound access list is not set
Proxy ARP is enabled
Split Horizon is enabled
Poison Reverse is disabled
ICMP redirects are not sent
ICMP unreachables are not sent