Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) | 1131
VRRP Configuration
By default, VRRP is not configured.
The following list specifies the configuration tasks for VRRP:
• Create a Virtual Router on page 1131 (mandatory)
• Assign Virtual IP addresses on page 1132 (mandatory)
• Set VRRP Group (Virtual Router) Priority on page 1135 (optional)
• Configure VRRP Authentication on page 1136 (optional)
• Disable Preempt on page 1137 (optional)
• Change the Advertisement interval on page 1138 (optional)
• Track an Interface or Object on page 1139 (optional)
For a complete listing of all commands related to VRRP, refer to
FTOS Command Line Interface.
Create a Virtual Router
To enable VRRP, you must create a Virtual Router on a physical or VLAN interface. In FTOS, a VRRP
Group is identified by the Virtual Router Identifier (VRID).
Starting in release, you can configure a VRRP group on an interface that belongs to a non-default
VRF instance.
Prerequisite: The interface on which you create the virtual interface must be enabled and configured with
a primary IP address.
To enable a Virtual Router, use the following command in the INTERFACE mode. To delete a VRRP
group, use the
no vrrp-group vrid command in the INTERFACE mode.
Figure 58-2. Command Example: vrrp-group
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Assign an interface (physical or
VLAN) to an IPv4 or IPv6 VRRP
[vrrp-group vrid | vrrp-ipv6-group vrid]
VRID range (C-Series and S-Series): 1-255
VRID range (E-Series): 1-255 when VRF microcode is not
loaded and 1-15 when VRF microcode is loaded
FTOS(conf)#int gi 1/1
FTOS(conf-if-gi-1/1)#vrrp-group 111
Virtual Router ID
and VRRP Group identifier