Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | 319
To create a manual binding:
Check for Address Conflicts
By default, the DHCP server pings an address from the pool twice before assigning the address to a client
to attempt to verify that it is not in use. If the ping is unanswered, the DHCP server assumes that the
address is not in use and assigns the address. By default, the DHCP server waits 500 milliseconds before
timing out a ping packet.
An address conflict occurs when two hosts use the same IP address. The server checks for a conflict using
ping and the client checks for conflict using gratuitous ARP. If a conflict is detected, the address is
removed from the pool. The address will not be assigned until the administrator resolves the conflict.
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 Create an address pool
pool name
2 Specify the client IP address.
host address
3 Specify the client hardware address or
• hardware-address is the client
MAC address.
type is the protocol of the hardware
platform. The default protocol is
client-identifier is required for
Microsoft clients instead of a hardware
addresses. The client identifier is
formed by concatenating the media
type and the MAC address of the client.
Refer to the "Address Resolution
Protocol Parameters" section of RFC
1700—Assigned Numbers, for a list of
media type codes.
hardware-address hardware-address type
client-identifier unique-identifier
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Specify the number of ping packets the DHCP server sends
to the pool address before assigning the address.
ip dhcp ping packets number
Default: 2
Change the amount of time the server waits for a ping reply
before considering the ping a failure.
ip dhcp ping timeout milliseconds
Default: 500 milliseconds
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Log IP address conflicts.
ip dhcp conflict logging