
342 | Force10 Resilient Ring Protocol
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All VLANS must be in Layer 2 mode.
Only ring nodes can be added to the VLAN.
A Control VLAN can belong to one FRRP group only.
Control VLAN ports must be tagged.
All ports on the ring must use the same VLAN ID for the Control VLAN.
A VLAN cannot be configured as both a Control VLAN and Member VLAN on the same ring.
Only two interfaces can be members of a Control VLAN (the Master Primary and Secondary ports).
Member VLANs across multiple rings are not supported in Master nodes
Use the commands in the following sequence, on the switch that will act as the Master node, to create the
Control VLAN for this FRRP group.
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
interface vlan vlan-id CONFIGURATION Create a VLAN with this ID number
VLAN ID: 1-4094
2 tagged interface slot/
port {range}
CONFIG-INT-VLAN Tag the specified interface or range of interfaces
to this VLAN.
For a 10/100/1000 Ethernet interface, enter
the keyword keyword GigabitEthernet
followed by the slot/port information.
For a Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the
keyword GigabitEthernet followed by the
slot/port information
For a 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the
keyword TenGigabitEthernet followed by
the slot/port information.
Slot/Port, Range: Slot and Port ID for the
interface. Range is entered Slot/Port-Port.
3 interface primary int
slot/port secondary int
slot/port control-vlan
vlan id
CONFIG-FRRP Assign the Primary and Secondary ports, and the
Control VLAN for the ports on the ring.
For a 10/100/1000 Ethernet interface, enter
the keyword keyword GigabitEthernet
followed by the slot/port information.
For a Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the
keyword GigabitEthernet followed by the
slot/port information
For a SONET interface, enter the keyword
sonet followed by slot/port information.
For a 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the
keyword TenGigabitEthernet followed by
the slot/port information.
Slot/Port: Slot and Port ID for the interface.
VLAN ID: The VLAN identification of the
Control VLAN.
4 mode master CONFIG-FRRP Configure the Master node