
FTOS XML Feature | 1155
FTOS XML Feature
FTOS XML Feature is supported on platforms: c e
This chapter describes the FTOS XML Feature in the following major sections:
XML Functionality on page 1155
The Form of XML Requests and Responses on page 1156
The Configuration Request and Response on page 1157
The “Show” Request and Response on page 1158
Configuration Task List on page 1158
XML Error Conditions and Reporting on page 1162
Using display xml as a Pipe Option on page 1165
XML Functionality
Through SSH/Telnet client sessions, FTOS XML provides a way of interfacing with the system by entering
XML-formatted requests and retrieving XML output. See The Form of XML Requests and Responses on
page 1156.
FTOS XML supports the following functionality:
Configure both physical and logical interfaces
Layer 2 and Layer 3 Standard ACLs
Layer 2 and Layer 3 Extended ACLs
Supported show commands and their output. Some show command options supported by FTOS are not
supported in XML, so each option that is supported in XML is listed separately here for clarity:
Protocol commands:
show ip bgp neighbors (no parameters accepted)
show qos statistics
show qos statistics wred-profile
System commands:
show chassis
show rpm slot ID
show rpm all