1210 | E-Series TeraScale Debugging and Diagnostics
www.dell.com | support.dell.com
• total run count
• total failure count
• consecutive failure count
• error code
The diagnostics tests are grouped into three levels:
Level 0—Check the inventory of devices. Verify the existence of devices (e.g., device ID test).
Level 1—Verify the devices are accessible via designated paths (e.g., line integrity tests). Test the internal
parts (e.g., registers) of devices.
Level 2—Perform on-board loopback tests on various data paths (e.g., data port-pipe and Ethernet).
Important points to remember
• Offline diagnostics can be run only on an offline line card and on a standby route processor module
(RPM). The primary RPM is not tested.
• Diagnostics test only connectivity and not the entire data path.
• A line card must be put into an offline state before diagnostics are run.
• Complete diagnostics test suite normally runs for 5 to 7 minutes on a single port-pipe line card and 12
to 15 minutes on a dual port-pipe line card. Running diagnostics on LC-EF-GE-90M cards may take
slightly longer.
Offline configuration task list
Use the following steps to run offline diagnostics on the E-Series. This procedure assumes the FTOS image
is installed.
1. Place the line card in an offline state with the
offline linecard command. Use the show linecard
command to confirm the new status.
2. Start diagnostics on the line card with the
diag command. The system will confirm that diagnostics
tests are running by displaying the syslog message shown below.
Foce10#offline line 4
Mar 27 05:18:26: %RPM0-P:CP %CHMGR-2-CARD_DOWN: Line card 4 down - card offline
Mar 27 05:18:26: %RPM0-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down: Te 4/3
FTOS#diag linecard 4 ?
alllevels Execute level 0-2 diags (default)
level0 Execute level 0 diags
level1 Execute level 1 diags
level2 Execute level 2 diags
terminate Stops the running test
FTOS#diag linecard 4
Mar 27 01:54:00: %E12PD3:2 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_STARTED: Starting diags on slot 4
Mar 27 02:05:47: %E12PD3:2 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_DONE: Diags finished on slot 4