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Runtime System Health Check
Runtime System Health Check is supported on platform: e
FTOS runs a system health check to detect data transfer errors within the system. FTOS performs the check
during normal operation by interspersing among, test frames among the data frames that carry user and
system data. One such check is a data plane loopback test.
There are some differences between the TeraScale and ExaScale line card and RPM testing:
• The TeraScale card test contains a loopback from the RPM to the SFM and a loopback from the line
cards to the SFM.
• The ExaScale card test contains a loopback from the RPM to the SFM and a loopback from the line
cards to the on-board TSF3.
• For TeraScale, each line card and RPM periodically sends out test frames that loop back through the
SFM. The loopback health check determines the overall status of the backplane and can identifies a
faulty SFM. If three consecutive RPM loopbacks fail, then the software initiates a fault isolation
procedure that sequentially disables one SFM at a time and performs the same loopback test.
• For ExaScale, the RPM alone RPM periodically sends out test frames that loop back through the SFM.
The loopback health check determines the overall status of the backplane and can identifies a faulty
SFM. If three consecutive RPM loopbacks fail, then the software initiates a fault isolation procedure
that sequentially disables one SFM at a time and performs the same loopback test.
Refer to the Chapter 61, E-Series TeraScale Debugging and Diagnostics for details on the different system
checks performed.
SFM Channel Monitoring
PCDFO is supported only on platform: e
Another test that is used to check the integrity of the data plane is a Per-channel De-skew FIFO Overflow
(PCDFO). Each ingress and egress Buffer and Traffic Manager (BTM/FPTM) maintains nine channel
connections to the SFM. The PCDFO test detects a faulty channel on an SFM, RPM, or line card by
creating a test frame and striping it across all nine SFM channels between the eBTM/eFPTM and iBTM/
iFPTM. The eBTM/eFPTM must receive each segment of striped data within a specified time to be
considered to have proper temporal alignment. Small skews less than the specified time are tolerated
because of buffering within the BTM/FPTM. If segments are not received within the specified time, the
fault is not tolerated, and FTOS initiates additional tests to isolate the fault.
For more information on the PCDFO test, see Chapter 61, E-Series TeraScale Debugging and Diagnostics,
Respond to PCDFO events on page 1205.
Note: The BTM applies to E-Series TeraScale, and the FPTM applies to the E-Series ExaScale.