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Figure 61-10. show command-history Command Example
Write the contents of the trace buffer
The trace logs are saved to automatically but you can save the contents of a buffer manually via the CLI.
To manually write the contents of a trace buffer on CP to a file on the flash:
To manually write the contents of a trace buffer on LP to a file on the flash:
Clear the trace buffer
Clear the command history buffer using the command clear command-history from EXEC Privilege mode,
as shown in Figure 61-11.
Figure 61-11. Clearing the Command History
Step Task Command Syntax
1 Write the buffered trace log to flash. upload trace-log cp [cmd-history |
hw-trace | sw-trace
EXEC Privilege
Step Task Command Syntax
1 Write the buffered trace log to flash. upload trace-log [rp1 | rp2 | linecard] number
[hw-trace | sw-trace ]
EXEC Privilege
FTOS#show command-history
[12/5 10:57:8]: CMD-(CLI):service password-encryption
[12/5 10:57:12]: CMD-(CLI):hostname Force10
[12/5 10:57:12]: CMD-(CLI):ip telnet server enable
[12/5 10:57:12]: CMD-(CLI):line console 0
[12/5 10:57:12]: CMD-(CLI):line vty 0 9
[12/5 10:57:13]: CMD-(CLI):boot system rpm0 primary flash://FTOS-CB-
FTOS#show command-history 10
[12/3 15:40:17]: CMD-(CLI):[show config]by default from console
[12/3 15:40:22]: CMD-(CLI):[ping]by default from console
[12/3 15:40:46]: CMD-(CLI):[show interfaces managementethernet 0/0]by default from console
[12/3 15:40:49]: CMD-(CLI):[shutdown]by default from console
[12/3 15:40:59]: CMD-(CLI):[no shutdown]by default from console
[12/3 15:41:1]: CMD-(CLI):[interface managementethernet 0/0]by default from console
[12/3 15:41:2]: CMD-(CLI):[shutdown]by default from console
[12/3 15:41:7]: CMD-(CLI):[ping]by default from console
[12/3 21:45:46]: CMD-(CLI):[enable]by default from console
[12/3 21:47:18]: CMD-(CLI):[show command-history 10]by default from console
FTOS#clear command-history
FTOS#show command-history 10
[12/3 21:47:43]: CMD-(CLI):[show command-history 10]by default from console